Jun 12Liked by Sky Uí Flaithbheartaigh

Coming out stories are always fascinating to me. In my case, coming out was a process rather than one event. I came out to myself first, and that took a while, but hormones dictated what appealed to me sexually, so that was helpful. Then I came out to roommates and very close friends. Finally, I came out to my family. So what most people consider "the" event --coming out to our family-- for me it was the last of a series of events.

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Hi D.C., It's Totally fascinating coming out stories are. My own took on a considerable more clarity (and pain) when I gifted it to my main character. I also agree with the process and the series of events; I came out to myself late, then slowly one person, then my roommate, etc. Sort of hilariously it's never ended, mostly due to my disposition and that I adore visibility, I have to come out all the time, because apparently what I am isn't super obvious to people :)

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Thanks Bianca! So true for all of us, so true for our parents and families too

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Wow. Every coming out is different, and I know that some go very badly and kids still get thrown out at the moment when they need the most love and compassion from their parents, but these "non-reaction" reactions are brutal in their own special way. Nothing says "You and you feelings don't matter" like a shrug of the shoulders. Thanks for capturing this, Sky - it resonates deeply.

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Gutting. Thank you for capturing such wildly different coming out experiences.

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